This guide includes details for connecting the Wordpress content management system with your own installation of Annotate. See the Wordpress integration page for an overview of the features, and contact us to discuss setting up an server for you.
1. Download the latest version of the Annotate Wordpress plugin.
2. Upload the plugin folder to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your preferred method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc).
3. Activate it from your Plugins page.
Once activated
1. Visit 'Settings > plugin configuration' and enter the address of your local Annotate server, API-user and API-key (the latter can be found at the bottom of the settings page).
2. Select the additional settings to control access to Annotate and type of annotation.
3. Save the changes and optionally run the configuration check.
Once configured
A button is placed next to each document in your WordPress site that will open it in Annotate. Additionally, it is possible to annotate an entire post by clicking the link added at the beginning of it.